5 Tips for Creating Compelling Copy
You only get one first impression. So is your website copy conveying the right impression of your business? Not sure how to do this? We’ve got 5 top tips for producing copy that will not only create a great impression of your business, but will have a lasting impact on your readers…
1. Sell with words.
Readers decide to buy based not only on what they see on your website, but on what they read. Sure, you can show off the quality of your company through design and images, but copy is the opportunity to really sell your products/services. Words explain (not always possible with images!), promote your USPs, and ultimately persuade the reader to buy. The holy grail is engaging copy, a great design, and beautiful images.
2. Outsmart Google.
It’s not just readers who crave good quality copy. That’s right: Google’s recent algorithm updates mean that it now ranks websites by their content quality, and more importance than ever is placed upon writing with human readers in mind, whilst dispersing keywords naturally throughout the copy. This means avoiding cheekily cramming text with keywords and overly promotional content. Nowadays, you’ve got to produce some really interesting content that both engages with the reader and is Google friendly.
3. Make it engaging.
Your copy must grab your reader by the balls; they should be so gripped they can’t stop reading. Write attention-grabbing headlines and relevant blog articles to inspire the consumer. Adopt the right tone of voice for your brand and consider your target audience. Simple. Oh, and don’t shy away from using questions, humour, or sarcasm to appeal to your readers and make your brand more memorable – making someone laugh can create a positive feeling about your brand.
4. Don’t waffle.
It’s very easy to ramble when writing about your own business. Your copy needs to be concise, relevant, and have a clear objective. If you’re confronted with a long page of text on screen, most of us can’t be bothered to even start reading.
On screen people scan read, so try breaking down the copy’s structure into headings and bullet-points to make it more digestible. Think about the BBC website: just one sentence per paragraph is enough to keep the reading appealing.
5. Proofread and edit.
All of your copy should be grammatically correct, well written, and spelt correctly. Your website’s copy represents your business, and one simple typo can put your company’s reputation in jeopardy. If you struggle, get a professional copywriter to do it for you – a fresh eye can really help.
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